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Skin challenges and cosmetics for teens and tweens

Every age comes with specific challenges for the skin. Compared to previous generations, post-millennials – today’s pre-teens and teenagers – show an excessive concern for the way they look, and they show it very early on, from the age of 11 to 12.

The first generation born into a digital world is used to having instant access to information, consuming technology, following digital trends, especially in cosmetics and fashion. When you’re 11 – 12 years old, and the hormonal storm comes and hits you unpleasantly with changes in skin texture – your face skin suddenly becomes combination or oily, when acne breakouts appear, all you want is to get rid of these problems, and when you’re at puberty, the risk of making mistakes in acne remediation is high.

Juvenile acne

As hormone levels rise and the body goes through normal changes for this age, the skin reacts accordingly. Juvenile acne is usually concentrated on the cheeks and forehead and is usually caused by these imbalances. This causes hormones to send signals to the skin, which starts producing excess sebum. In addition, genetics, transitions from one season to another, overuse and misuse of skin care products can also influence sebum production.
Also in adolescence, the first blackheads appear, which are caused by blocked pores and generally precede inflammatory acne.

Acne skin care routine for pre-teens and teens

Teenagers and pre-teens are tempted to try any product in acne cure advertisements, but a visit to the dermato-cosmetic office should be the first step in assessing the situation and establishing the right skincare routine. It’s the easiest way to prevent acne from worsening, which risks coming with the appearance of scars over time and, automatically, a less-than-pleasing self-image.

Yes, children wash their faces, but the full skin care routine should start when the first signs of acne and blackheads appear, even if that means around 11-12 years old for girls and a little later at 13-15 years old for boys. Acne is not easy to treat, but with the right approach, time and patience good results can be achieved. Proper skin care and cleansing needs to become a good, conscientious habit, like a healthy eating habit. Sometimes the expertise of specialists such as dermatologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, etc. is also needed.

The care routine must be rigorous, with special cleansing products, free of perfumes and dyes, chosen according to the type of skin and its problems. The first and most important step is make-up removal, followed by cleansing the skin with a specific product, followed by the application of a suitable dermato-cosmetic cream. Sun protection is important at any age because it is the only barrier that protects the skin from environmental aggressors – ultraviolet light and pollution.

Anti-acne treatment at the salon

It is very important that cosmetic treatment with extractions starts at the first signs of acne, in the cosmetic salon and not at home, to avoid the risk of infection. In this way, the healing of the skin becomes much easier and the chances of a flawless, blemish-free complexion over the years increase considerably. The gain of a clear, scar-free skin is doubled by an improved self-image and self-esteem.

Tips to follow for skin health at puberty:

  • Drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin A and E. Water consumed throughout the day keeps the skin hydrated, and vitamins A (from carrots, melon, peaches and peppers) and E (from spinach and broccoli) are well known for their beneficial effects on skin health.
  • Don’t use cosmetics that contain grease and can block pores. Avoid foundation to mask pimples because it is very greasy. Choose mineral-based cosmetics in powder form.
  • Don’t over wash your face as the effect can be the opposite. Dry skin does not prevent acne or spots. Use an age-appropriate cosmetic cleansing gel and choose it together with a parent and the specialist in the cosmetic practice.
  • Don’t use products that make your hair greasy. Hair gel, hair oil, can close pores and encourage the appearance of spots and acne when hair comes in on the forehead or generally on the face.
  • Use sunscreen that is not greasy. Creams with an SPF of 15 or even higher are recommended, offering a broad spectrum of protection against both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays.
  • Don’t touch your face with your hands, this can aggravate acne. Avoid putting your hands on your face after using your mobile phone, which often carries germs and germs that can irritate the skin.

Keep in mind that no matter how bad your teenage acne seems, cosmetic treatments and daily routine work. Like any period in life, it will pass, but it’s important not to leave visible marks on your face.

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